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Founding Member episode

The full episode is only available to Founding Member subscribers

Get Ready with Me

Someone went to Sephora this weekend! (It was me.)

Right up front let’s just acknowledge this video is a little weird, but I got new makeup and I wanted to share it with you! Of the new stuff, the ultra pink setting powder from ONE/SIZE by Patrick Starr is my favorite. If it’s good enough for a drag queen, it’s good enough for me. (Yay, let’s support the drag queens! [Take that, Florida.])

I’d like to thank my co-producer Mary Margaret, who not only helped make creative decisions, but also posed as a model for the intermissions.

What makeup products do you love? What do you use to cover redness? Dark circles? What concealer doesn’t crease in your wrinkles? Share in the comments below!

The full video is for subscribers in the Founding Member plan

Meet the Mess
Meet the Mess
Karyn Bosnak