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I Almost Died — See the Nest Cam Video!

Everything is content, even a near-death experience

I was initially going to title this post “5 Things I Learned from Moving” because that’s really what it’s about. But I almost died and it was caught on my Nest camera and that seems more clickable, right?!

I officially moved one week ago and things have been crazy to say the least. The water heater needed to be replaced, the washing machine sprung a leak, I’ve had terrible insomnia, my internet has been incredibly slow, and I’ve had to take hand showers in a clawfoot tub like an old timer because I can’t figure out how to mount the shower nozzle. And don’t even get me started on the crooked toilet.

white ceramic bathtub near white wall
This isn’t my tub but this is what it looks like and I have to hold that nozzle to wet my hair and body and then put it down to shampoo and lather up and I get cold when doing so and cry.

However, I survived a near-death experience and the new place will be amazing once the issues are worked out. And even though I couldn't write anything all week because I was too stressed out and had not one but two breakdowns, you’re still here and that’s great. So let’s get to it, shall we?

5 Things I Learned from Moving:

#1 - Watch Out for Rug Tassels

Starting with the most obvious, watch out for rug tassels, especially gigantic ones on plush Moroccan rugs from Anthropologie because they can kill you.

It was my first night here, I slipped on a rug tassel and — KABOOM! — fell head-first into the sharp edge of a floor mirror. It left a dent in my head that was so deep I thought it was a gash. But thankfully it wasn’t, and when it started to un-dent, it turned into a giant goose egg.

I was in shock after it happened so I wasn’t sure exactly how it went down until I watched it on the Nest Cam, which you can also see by watching the video above.

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Meet the Mess
Meet the Mess
Karyn Bosnak